Nourish Your Feminine Essence: Homemade Yoni Steaming Recipe

“To be a woman is the last, highest incarnation”

- Yogi Bhajan

DIY Yoni Steaming Guide for Natural Healing

I do Yoni Steaming on a regular basis. It is an amazing healing modality and is an ancient practice utilised by many indigenous cultures. Yoni Steams are a gentle way to help your body cleanse the vaginal and uterine linings and clear away stagnation. This is a wonderful practice to restore balance and health, to connect with your feminine energy, and unlock the magic of your womb.

Yoni Steaming is a beautiful and restorative practice and a perfect way to take some time out for yourself and engage in some self-care.

The Physical and Emotional Benefits of Yoni Steaming

  • Treats bacterial and yeast infections

  • Detoxification of the womb and body

  • Release of stored emotions and anxiety

  • Regulation of the menstrual cycle

  • Relief for menstrual cramps

  • Healing sexual trauma

Powerful Herbs for Womb Wellness

I personally like to take an intuitive approach and use herbs that speak to me, but here is also a list with some suggestions to start with. Always make sure you only use organic herbs.

  • Chamomile

  • Calendula

  • Rosemary

  • Nettle

  • Mugwort herb

You can find the complete list with descriptions of healing plant properties here:

Duration of Yoni Steaming: What's Best for You

  • Shorter cycles of 27 days or less > no longer than 10-15 minutes and using gentle herbs

  • Longer cycles > you can steam up to 30 minutes

  • Hot flashes, UTI, or night sweats > no longer than 10 minutes and using herbs with cooling properties

Essential Tips for Yoni Steaming

  • Do not steam during menstruation (including during spotting)

  • Do not steam during pregnancy

  • Never use essential oils as they are too strong

  • And always listen to your body and what it communicates to you ;)

Unlocking Sacred Healing: DIY Yoni Steaming Ritual Guide

  • Prepare a sacred space: light a candle and play some beautiful soothing music

  • Add water to a pot. Once boiling, add a handful of herbs and simmer for 5-10 minutes. Remove from the heat and let it steep for 5-10 minutes (with the lid on, to keep the oils of the herbs in the steam).

  • There are different options when it comes to steaming. You could purchase a specific steaming chair or one can simply squat over the pot. I like to use a designated metal bowl that I simply place inside the clean toilet—this is easy and comfortable, without needing to purchase a chair.

  • Pour the water with the boiled herbs into your bowl (you may need to wait a bit for it to cool down further. It should be a beautiful and gentle steam).

  • Wrap a big towel or sheet around your waist creating a ‘sweat-lodge’ effect and then sit on the toilet seat or squat over the bowl (whichever option you prefer) and allow the healing steam to rise into your yoni.

Relax, meditate, and receive what your womb may communicate.

Get your downloadable copy of the DIY Yoni Steaming Guide here:


Lana x


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