Healing the Mother Wound: Steps to Recovery


What is the Mother Wound? Healing Ancestral Feminine Trauma for Personal Growth and Collective Evolution

Our most profound wound is the Mother Wound, although it is not always apparent to us. We tend not to speak about the pain we carry as it is also a taboo subject. However, this is, at the same time, what keeps this wound in the shadows and in place. This wound is not gender-specific but rather relates to the feminine part within ourselves, as we all consist of both the feminine and masculine. Our mother is our first experience. We grow inside her womb, and our mothers have the greatest impact on our core beliefs and development. The unresolved trauma that they carry becomes our own, and it is an unconscious pain that is passed down through the lineage.


I have been working on uncovering and healing my own mother wound for quite some time. It took me many years to even understand the source of the wounding I was carrying, as the mother wound is a master at hiding. Once I could see the root cause of the pain, as well as the negative patterns (originating from it) which I was carrying, I could slowly move towards healing. This healing also allowed for the relationship with my mother to be transformed.

The mother wound is a very ancient one and goes all the way back to the fall of consciousness. As the feminine was diminished, this wound showed itself first in the priesthood, where the sisterhood of women turned against each other, and a battle for power and glory began.

In order to move into a healed world, we first need to heal the wound of the feminine inside ourselves. By healing this wound, we begin to recover lost soul parts of ourselves that were fragmented within the sacred feminine thousands of years ago.


This wound can manifest in many different ways, and it can also prevent us from shining our light into this world. So healing this wound can unlock many gifts that currently lay dormant inside of us and are waiting to be unearthed.


But how do we heal a separated consciousness and also heal the root of this wound?

Recognising the Signs: Understanding and Healing the Mother Wound

The first step in healing, is understanding the signs of the mother wound:

  • Low self-esteem

  • Abandonment

  • Intense anger

  • Scarcity mindset

  • Jealousy

  • Guilt and shame

  • Overly critical

  • Judgmental

  • Victim mentality

  • Wound of rejection

  • Feelings of not being enough and generally feeling like a failure


The Mother Wound Unveiled: How It Manifests in Your Life


  • Low self-esteem

  • Feeling jealous

  • Money issues due to scarcity mindset

  • Not trusting yourself

  • Fear of abandonment

  • Difficulties creating and manifesting positive visions in your life

  • Judgemental towards others and yourself

  • Manipulation and gossiping

  • Difficulties having healthy relationships


Healing the Mother Wound: Practical Steps for Recovery and Empowerment

The world of the mother wound is a shadow realm and a cage of psychic chaos, where things are reversed. Coming back to your own center and creating a new relationship with yourself is where the healing begins. This may also mean distancing yourself (sometimes permanently) from those who pull you into this world.

Take time to feel into yourself and your heart, and sit with your own feelings to spiral deeper into the understanding that lives within. From here, you can slowly begin the unraveling of the pain.



We all have the right to create boundaries and it is vital to honour your boundaries and express them to others in a mature way. And always remember that people who cannot respect your boundaries are free to leave. Choose people who support you in your growth.



Dependent patterns come from a hurt “inner child” wounding. By recognizing and identifying the needs of your “inner child”, you can provide a safe and healing environment for the healing to come about.

This means, in the first place, that you need to become a “good mother” to yourself and recognize that you are not just here to receive what life offers to you but that you are a powerful co-creator with source. Your reality is not simply being imposed on you, as we are weaving it in every moment. You can attract positive outcomes just as much as you can bring healing into your life.

Stepping into your power is also about understanding your own power of co-creation.



It is important to realise that our mother/parents had their own challenges in life, and we cannot wait for them to be the perfect mother/parent to give us what we need. We cannot change who they are, and we cannot wait to receive the love and support that we long for.

Allowing ourselves to grieve what we have not received as children and bringing in forgiveness is part of maturity and a vital step towards taking responsibility for our own well-being.

We also have to learn to sit with our own feelings without pushing them away, judging, or even trying to change what we feel. Allow your feelings to move through your body. As all our experiences are stored within our vessel, this is an opportunity to feel into what perhaps was too much to bear as a child. When we allow ourselves to feel now what was too much then, we allow this “emotional imprint” to be released from our body.


If you want to dive deeper into understanding grief, follow the link to my Grief Article:

Or immerse yourself in understanding grief and its message through the self-paced online course: Alchemy of Grief.

Designed for you to delve deeply in your own time, the course aims to alleviate depression and empower you to return to a state of strength and empowerment.

Healing Abandonment:


Feel into this wound without judgment and without pushing it away. Even though it may feel like a very dark place, remember that this wound does not define who you are. By feeling into the structure of it, you can identify what parts long for love, compassion, and healing.

A good practice for inner transformation is to replace shadowy places with light. Feel into your inner realm to find where this is needed, and from here, you can allow fresh life-force energy to flow inside and transform any dark areas inside of you. Imagine and feel how your inner space begins to bloom like a beautiful garden in spring and how everything comes back to life and beams with renewed life force.


Reconnecting with nature, especially if we live in a city or feel disconnected from the natural world, is very powerful. This can be done by just spending some time at a park every day. But if this is not replenishing enough, find the time and stay in a rural place whose energy is tranquil and soothing to your nervous system.

While out in nature, switch your attention from mind-engaging thoughts to the sounds of the natural world and the visual surroundings. Feel the energetic pull from the earth and walk slowly and mindfully.


You can expand this practice and feel into the elements. I personally love to connect and work with the elements. Ask them to help with the release of any negative feelings or heavy energy.

For example, while you feel the sun on your skin, you can ask fire to burn away anything you wish to let go of.

Working with the earth element, you can place your hands on the earth, asking her to take and transmute any energy you are ready to release.

Water can wash things off,  and you can imagine this while taking a shower or even outside while you feel the rain on your skin.

Wind can blow old debris off your body just like it helps trees to remove old leaves on the branches. Allow to fall to the ground that which is no longer needed.

You can also simply communicate with the elements and see what guidance you receive from them.


Journal Work:

Do “automatic” writing on this subject without “thinking” about it.

Alternatively, you can also work with exploring the following questions:


  • Is it difficult to be in your own centre or in your sensual power around your mother?

  • Can you easily share what you are really feeling in a loving way?

  • Think about in what ways you project this wound onto others.

  • Imagine yourself as a child and how you related to your mother back then. If you feel like it is difficult to express words, you can use drawings/images and colors to express what you feel.

  • Did you ever have a strong intuition and betray it just to avoid disappointing someone else?


The mother wound is probably one of the most difficult wounds to work with, as it is essentially a wound with life itself. When we expand from here, we can see that Mother Earth is also our mother, and the mother wounds that we carry create a barrier to feeling safe and cared for in this dimension.

This wound may be something that we are asked to work with our entire life. However, with each step we take towards healing this wound, we will uncover treasures and gifts that were veiled by the pain we carried inside. When we uncover and begin to love our authentic selves, we begin to manifest our desires with confidence and love rather them from a place of lack.


The inner work we do, ripples out into the other parts of our existence, and so we not only heal ourselves, but also our mother and all who came before us.

With Love,

Lana x


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